Sunday Morning Schedule
9:30AM studio opens
Rainbow Room: Infants/Toddlers, and Pre-School/Pre-Kindergarten
Angels Studio: Kindergarten-Second Grade, Third-Fifth Grade, Tweens (11 – 14 yrs), Teens (14 – 18 yrs)
10:00-10:15AM SNACK
Every angel will be offered a snack and drink during this designated time.
Typical options chosen by the studio include water, juice, granola bars, fruit snacks, sandwich making, pretzels, and fresh fruit..
10:15-10:30AM Pre-session activities
Montessori style Godly play, and self-guided shelf work options for the Angels to choose from.
Examples: coloring, play kitchen, musical instruments, block building, nail painting, collage making, butterfly prayers, mediative yoga, and more!
Uniting Affirmation: Invite the “Affirmation Leader” to read our affirmations.
1. “The Strength of God within me is bigger and stronger than any problem.”
2. “God’s light shines as me.”
3. “I am full of unlimited possibilities!”
Blessings: Invite the “Blessing Angel” to lead us with our blessing; “God bless all those present
and all those that are not with us today.”
Prayer: “I am a wise and thoughtful person. I take time daily to connect with the Christ Spirit
that lives within me. This Spirit guides and directs my thoughts and actions and I know the wise
thing to do in all situations. I make a commitment to follow the guidance of the Spirit and my life
is richly blessed. Thank you, Spirit, for my wonderful power of Wisdom.”
Love Offering: Invite Angels to hold an offering (or a thought of love) in their hands and
repeat offering blessing together; “We have plenty to spare and plenty to share and we are
grateful. Amen.” Collect offering in offering basket or box. Place in center of sacred
Studio Commitment: Creating Music Video for April 30th
Celebration of our Powers: Power of Wisdom, Power of Strength, and our Power to Love
Master Teachings Story Telling:
Story Focus:
Open Discussion
Group Meditation:
Closing Circle: Invite Angels to say the Prayer for Protection together.
The light of God surrounds us
The love of God enfolds us
The power of God protects us.
The presence of God watches over us
And wherever we are God is and
All is Well
All classes meet in the sanctuary studios. To become part of our exceptional team to enhance the spiritual program for children, please email us. We would love to hear from you!