About Us
A world full of inspired people consciously embracing life’s richest blessings.
Unity of Nashville is a joyful, inclusive community that informs, transforms, strengthens, and connects people. We do this by gathering to pray, educate, and encourage growth in mind and spirit.
Our Core Values
We turn within to the Christ Spirit for guidance and active communication.
We express unconditional love, an inner quality that sees good everywhere and in everyone.
We embrace all as expressions of God.
We live from a positive view of the world and celebrate life.
We know that God is our Source and celebrate the unlimited possibilities present in every moment.
Founded in 1916 as a study group, Unity of Nashville has become a healthy, vibrant, growing expression of Spirit, providing:
Sunday services at 9:30 a.m.
A wide range of events through our classes and gatherings
Workshops by world-class author/speakers
Ongoing special-interest group meetings
Outstanding music and youth programs
Many opportunities for spiritual, professional and personal growth through service
We are affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries, Silent Unity, and Daily Word.
First Church Unity, 1938
Our History
Unity began as a study group in Nashville in 1916, led by Elizabeth Pierce Sand. The Study Group (which became known as Unity Truth Center) met in various downtown locations including the old Maxwell House and Tulane Hotels.
Various guest speakers were regularly invited to come during the early years. Unity Co-Founder Charles Fillmore was a guest speaker in April 1935 and again in February 1938.
The group was formally organized as a Unity ministry in 1932 and in 1933 selected Elizabeth Sand Turner, daughter of the founder, as their minister. Rev. Turner served as a minister for the next twelve years.
In 1938, the first building purchased ($5,500) was at 1816 Broad Street. They incorporated and the name became Unity Center of Christianity.
In 1965, the Broad Street location was sold and the church acquired property at 1612 Woodmont Boulevard.
Early members
The name was changed to First Church Unity in 1960.
This property consisted of a house that was remodeled to accommodate the services. Several years later, a sanctuary was added and the house served as classrooms, bookstore, and Fellowship Hall.
The Rev. Ester Lewis and Frieda Olsen were the primary driving forces behind the continued growth and development of the church through the time frame from 1965 to 1987.
Woodmont Facility, 1986
In 1986, the 1612 Woodmont location was sold and the current 5125 Franklin Road location purchased. The congregation had grown to 300+, meeting on Sundays at Hillsboro High School while utilizing the house on the Franklin Road property for office space and small group meetings.
The Barn at the back of the Franklin Road property was originally a barn. It had a dirt floor and three stables. With a generous amount of donated services by the congregation, such as plumbing, carpentry, and electrical – along with much time, effort, energy and funds – the Barn Project was completed and dedicated in June 1988.
The Barn
In 1988, The Rev. Jimmie Scott was appointed senior minister and given the task of “building the building.” (Our first home to be built from the ground up!) The congregation, still numbering in the 300s – confident in its faith and ability – moved ahead with determination and perseverance and through the selling of faith bonds, one million dollars was raised for construction of the new building.
On September 30, 1990, the new church building was dedicated by Rev. Scott to over 400 cheering congregants in attendance.
Unity of Nashville was under the leadership of Rev. Cherie Larkin from the year 2000 – 2014. During her time with the church we experienced growth and a full commitment to embracing inclusiveness and emphasizing the divine presence of power within each person.
As we move beyond our Centennial year (2016), Unity of Nashville rededicates itself to its mission – to teach the Truth that sets us free.
Leadership History
Elizabeth Pierce Sand, Leader 1916 -1920
Elizabeth Chester, Minister 1920- 1923
Arthur Poisant, Minister 1923 - 1929
Lillie Smith, Minister 1929 - 1933
Margaret Ann Feldt, Leader 1933
Mary Elizabeth Sand Turner, Minister February 1933 - August 1945
Hollie Broadhurst, Interim January 1942
Eileen Vera Tait, Leader September 1945
Susan Smartt, Senior Minister October 1945 - March 1959
Ken Tiffany, Senior Minister April 1959 - 1961
Esther M Lewis, Senior Minister September 1961 - May 1967
Dorothy S McLaren, Senior Minister August 1967 - September 1968
Esther Lewis, Senior Minister January 1969 - December 1972
Mabel Donaldson, Interim Minister January 1973 - April 1973
William Ray Clark, Senior Minister April 1973 - June 1975
Gene Conner, Senior Minister July 1975 - June 1980
Freida Olsen, Senior Minister July 1980 - December 1987
Jimmie Scott, Associate then Senior April 1985 - August 1999
Barbara Jung, Interim Minister October 1999 - September 2000
Cherie V Larkin, Senior Minister October 2000 - December 2014
John M McLean, Senior Minister October 2015 - September 2021
Christina M Garza, Senior Minister October 2021 - May 2024 Denise Yeargin, Minister of Record June 2024 - Present
More About Unity
For more than a century, Unity has served the world with prayer, publications, and community gatherings. Today, many resources are available online to support you in your spiritual journey. We invite you to explore the following resources and use what best serves you in your own, unique path to wholeness and joy.
A positive, inspiring daily devotional, published bimonthly in print, available 24/7 online at www.dailyword.com.
Unity’s spirit path retreats unfold on the beautiful and sacred grounds at Unity Village, Missouri.
The Silent Unity prayer ministry was the founding work of Unity. It originated in the heart of co-founder Myrtle Fillmore, who, through her own spiritual awakening, was healed and began to share her ideas and consciousness with others. Visit Silent Unity to learn more and/or to place a prayer request online.
The directory maintained by Unity Worldwide Ministries can help you locate another Unity church or alternative ministry.