Frequently Asked Questions

Is this your first visit to our website? On this page, you’ll find answers to some frequently asked questions about our spiritual community.

What time is your Sunday service?

We offer a 10 minute Contemplative Meditation, before the Sunday Service, at 9:10-9:20 AM.

Sunday Service officially begins at 9:30 AM.

How long are your services?

Our Sunday Service begins at 9:30 AM and ends around 10:30 AM.

What is your location?

We’re located at 5125 Franklin Pike, Nashville, TN 37220. Find it here.

What happens at a service?

Our church is a community of like-minded people who come together to experience their Oneness with God and with each other in an atmosphere of love and acceptance. Our Sunday services include uplifting music led by our Music Director, and by regular and guest musicians. The messages from our minister, or occasional guest speakers, are positive and practical, drawing from the wisdom of many faith traditions. Each service also includes information about many valuable upcoming activities occurring in our community.

What happens when I’m a first-time visitor?

We welcome you with a guest packet to take home. This packet has material related to our church and to our global church organization, Unity Worldwide Ministries. We invite you to leave your name and email with us, on Connection Cards, available in the welcome packets. We will sign you up for our weekly e-newsletter, which keeps you informed of what is happening, at our church. You can expect a recap on Monday, and upcoming on Friday. Your contact information will never be shared or sold. We make every attempt to protect your privacy.

What do I wear?

You will find that people here come to church in a wide range of casual, comfortable clothing. And yes, there are also those who dress more formally, according to their preferences, and what makes them feel comfortable.

What denomination are you?

Unity is progressive, positive, practical Christianity. It teaches the practical application in everyday life of the principles of Truth taught and exemplified by many faith traditions, as interpreted in the light of contemporary experience and understanding. Unity has established centers of study and worship throughout the world where people study and practice the Unity way of life — a way of life that leads to health, prosperity, happiness and peace of mind.

I have children: Do you have activities for them during your services?

During our 9:30 a.m. service, we provide care for infants in our Montessori style nursery and activities for children up to age 17 in our Youth Education studio. Activities are designed to teach Unity principles in age-appropriate ways, using sacred circle, love offerings, Godly play, prayer, music, stories, and affirmations. Our studios are temporarily closed for renovation. Learn more.

How can I learn more?

Read About Us. Then, if you want to know more, please explore the other pages on this website.

How do I get involved?

There are many opportunities to get involved, by attending a variety of classes or presentations (check our event Calendar) or participating in one our many rewarding volunteer service ministries.