The Way We Church…Now

Sundays @9:30 AM CST


“I choose to give, easily and joyfully, for God is my source and abundance is my nature.”


May those who come for peace, be comforted.
May those who come for Truth, listen to the Spirit within.
May those who come for healing, be healed.
May those who look for God, come to realize Thou Art That.
And may we all bless each other by
Being who we have always been,
Sharing what we love and teaching what we know,
And encouraging, all people everywhere,
on their journeys to wholeness.


Welcome to Unity

Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to life based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path.

Unity offers a new way of thinking, a new way of being. It is a full way of hope, love, peace, abundance, healing and joy. Unity is timeless, boundless and limitless. We believe in a universal God presence of good that lives within each one providing everything needed to live happy, healthy and productive lives.



Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path.

For children

The Youth and Family Ministry of Unity of Nashville is committed to creating a safe, loving and nurturing environment where each child can fully experience and express the Christ within. UPDATE: The Youth & Family ministry is currently CLOSED.


Because we love newcomers, we've assembled some frequently asked questions and answers for our visitors.


Celebrate Spirit in an inclusive and loving environment. Experience unconditional love, non-resistance, non-attachment and trust in Spirit, allowing God to flow through you and show you the way into unlimited possibilities to LIVE LIFE FULLY!

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Get Involved

Unity of Nashville hosts a variety of regular classes, weekly gatherings, and events for the entire community. Between our Sunday worship services, you’ll find a multitude of ways to deepen your involvement in our community. Visit our events page for even more opportunities, and sign up to volunteer on any given Sunday!



We have a lot going on! Check out our events page with weekly flyer for a comprehensive overview.


If you’re interested in volunteering check out the sign-up form on the desk in the lobby or our Signup Genius link below.

Daily Word and Prayer

Everyday hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life read Daily Word magazine as they affirm and apply spiritual principles in their lives. For 125 years, Silent Unity has been a window into the hearts of people around the globe. In Spirit, we are one. May the Daily Word messages and online prayers lift you up, remind you of your divine nature, and open you to the presence and power of God within.