Contact Us

Office hours are 9:30AM—3:30PM Tuesday through Thursday. Please call us at (615) 333-1323 or use the form below to get in touch.

If you want to reach a specific member of the Board of Trustees or staff, you can find titles and email links on the list to the side of the page.


Rev. Christina Garza

Janine Lanier – President

Nancy Collins- Vice President

Al Caston– Treasurer

Al Caston – Secretary

Brenda McCourt - Member


Marcia Lewis, Ministerial Assistant

Marjorie Wood, Youth and Family Director

Izzy Behr, Youth and Family Assistant

John Palmer, Music Coordinator

Elizabeth Diaz, Virtual Life Coordinator/Social Media

Wanda Lynch, Licensed Unity Teacher
Joan Campbell Kennedy, Licensed Unity Teacher


What are christenings like at Unity of Nashville? A Christening is both a ceremony and a ritual.  It is a ceremony in which family and friends gather to celebrate the birth of a child. It is a spiritual event in the life of the family and in the family’s church home.